The wisdom of investing in wind power

Washington Post

June 22, 2012

DBL was fea­tured in an arti­cle appear­ing in the Wash­ing­ton Post on June 22.

Charles Lane sug­gest­ed that the Unit­ed States should “fold” on incen­tives for clean, renew­able sources of ener­gy such as wind. This would be short­sight­ed in the extreme.

Amer­i­can wind pow­er built 35 per­cent of all new U.S. elec­tric-gen­er­a­tion capac­i­ty in recent years, an amount sec­ond only to that from nat­ur­al gas. Wind’s pri­ma­ry fed­er­al incen­tive, the pro­duc­tion tax cred­it (PTC), is the main dri­ver behind this growth and has helped stim­u­late as much as $20 bil­lion a year in pri­vate invest­ment in the U.S. econ­o­my. Eco­nom­ic stud­ies have shown that, when this rev­enue is tak­en into account, the PTC results in a net gov­ern­ment benefit.

Read the full arti­cle at the Wash­ing­ton Post →