Farmers Business Network — Launch Video

March 6, 2015

Farm­ers Busi­ness Net­work is empow­er­ing farm­ers by net­work­ing farm data. FBN’s inde­pen­dent agro­nom­ic net­work con­nects farm­ers and their data to FBN’s pow­er­ful data sci­ence tools. Through FBN, farm­ers can now access more infor­ma­tion than ever before about the best prod­ucts and prac­tices for their farm. FBN pro­duces cus­tomized ana­lyt­ics for every farmer backed by bil­lions of data points from the network.

This infor­ma­tive video tells the sto­ry of Farm­ers Busi­ness Net­work and explains how farm­ers across the coun­try can ben­e­fit from join­ing the community.

Watch the video here.