SolarCity’s Seth Weissman on how to create a diverse legal team

March 13, 2015

By Eric Van Susteren

Seth Weiss­man, the cor­po­rate coun­sel at SolarCi­ty, is real­ly, real­ly seri­ous about his hir­ing strategy.
He’s got a spe­cial game plan that he’s used to build a legal team that is made up of 45 per­cent women and 36 per­cent minorities.

When he looks for can­di­dates, he does­n’t just look for peo­ple with high IQs. He looks for emo­tion­al­ly intel­li­gent peo­ple, intro­spec­tive lawyers who have a deep aware­ness of them­selves and how they appear to others.

He calls it EQ.

Folks with diverse back­grounds have had to devel­op their EQ at a faster pace,” he said. “If you grow up in the inner city, for exam­ple, you see a com­pli­cat­ed world where you have to ask, ‘How can I sur­vive, bet­ter myself and remove myself from a sit­u­a­tion to make myself complete?’ ”

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Sil­i­con Val­ley Busi­ness Jour­nal.