The Energy Gang: Why a Successful Cleantech Venture Capitalist Tripled Down on the Sector

March 23, 2015

By Stephen Lacey:

Nan­cy Pfund, the founder of DBL Investors, has sup­port­ed some of the most suc­cess­ful mod­ern clean ener­gy com­pa­nies, includ­ing Tes­la, SolarCi­ty, Pow­erLight and Bright­Source. And unlike many oth­er ven­ture cap­i­tal firms, DBL isn’t back­ing down from some of the riski­er, more cap­i­tal-inten­sive invest­ments. Oth­er port­fo­lio invest­ments include CIGS man­u­fac­tur­er Siva Pow­er, and stor­age com­pa­nies Primus Pow­er and PowerGenix.

To hear the pod­cast, vis­it Green­tech Media.