Kathryn Minshew, CEO The Muse

September 29, 2015

In Her Own Words: Kathryn Minshew

Glance at Kathryn Minshew’s CV and you might assume she’s old­er than not-quite-30: her cre­den­tials rival those of any cor­po­rate big­wig, up to and includ­ing an impres­sive CEO title. A vet­er­an of non-prof­it and pri­vate-sec­tor busi­ness alike, founder and, yes, CEO of The Muse, a mil­len­ni­al-mind­ed career site that pairs in-depth employ­er pro­files with spot-on advice, Kathryn’s already had a career’s worth of experience—and she’s just get­ting start­ed. Now, with over three mil­lion month­ly users and a hefty dose of ven­ture cap­i­tal, she’s poised to take on the site’s next big project—personalization. She is quite lit­er­al­ly the def­i­n­i­tion of a mover-and-shak­er, which is why we fea­tured her in our Octo­ber jour­nal, an homage to women of char­ac­ter. Read on to learn what Kathryn has to say about mil­len­ni­als, men­tor­ships and trust­ing her gut.

To watch the video, vis­it Anthro­polo­gie.