DBL Leads $25M Round in African Solar Company Off Grid Electric

Dow Jones Venture Wire
October 22, 2015

DBL Part­ners, an ear­ly backer of SolarCi­ty Corp., has led a $25 mil­lion invest­ment in Off Grid Elec­tric, a com­pa­ny oper­at­ing a sim­i­lar solar-leas­ing busi­ness in Africa.

Arusha, Tan­za­nia-based Off Grid installs solar pan­els, com­bined with light­ing sys­tems, at busi­ness and res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties and charges cus­tomers over time, using a leas­ing mod­el. It is installing at a rate of more than 10,000 projects a month. By com­par­i­son, at the time Sun­run Inc . was going pub­lic ear­li­er this year it had a cumu­la­tive install base of 79,000 projects, accu­mu­lat­ed since 2007. Sun­run’s projects are like­ly larg­er than Off Grid Electric’s.…

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Dow Jones Ven­ture Wire.