The Muse CEO Kathryn Minshew Recognized as a Workforce Magazine 2016 Game Changer

July 28, 2016

Min­shew Receives Pres­ti­gious Des­ig­na­tion for Rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the Tra­di­tion­al Recruit­ing Model

NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwired — Jul 28, 2016) —  The Muse, the most trust­ed and beloved career des­ti­na­tion for Mil­len­ni­als and beyond, help­ing over 50 mil­lion peo­ple every year advance in their careers, today announced that com­pa­ny co-founder and CEO, Kathryn Min­shew, has been named by Work­force mag­a­zine as a 2016 Game Chang­er.

Min­shew was select­ed as a 2016 Game Chang­er for rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the way can­di­dates and com­pa­nies con­nect in the dig­i­tal age, one of the 25 lead­ers under the age of 40 rec­og­nized with this dis­tinc­tion for mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant mark on the HR pro­fes­sion. Well ahead of indus­try trends, Min­shew and co-founder Alexan­dra Cavoula­cos rec­og­nized that peo­ple were pri­or­i­tiz­ing cul­ture and val­ues in the work­place over job title and salary, and that employ­ers must fol­low suit by incor­po­rat­ing employ­er brand­ing and aware­ness into their tal­ent acqui­si­tion strategies.

We launched The Muse to dis­rupt the decades-old recruit­ing mod­el and cre­ate a career des­ti­na­tion that pro­vides can­di­dates with the advice and tools to achieve a sat­is­fy­ing career, while con­nect­ing com­pa­nies with high-qual­i­ty can­di­dates who have already iden­ti­fied them as an employ­er of choice,” said Min­shew. “The Muse has achieved enor­mous growth in a few short years, a tes­ta­ment to the val­ue of the plat­for­m’s 360-degree approach to tal­ent acqui­si­tion and pro­fes­sion­al development.”

Min­shew con­tin­ued, “I am hon­ored to be rec­og­nized by Work­force as a 2016 Game Chang­er, and grate­ful for the entire team at The Muse for dri­ving this vision for­ward and mak­ing our site the lead­ing resource for tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als to grow pro­fes­sion­al­ly and com­pa­nies seek­ing their next great hires.”

About The Muse
The Muse is the most trust­ed career site for Mil­len­ni­als and beyond, chang­ing the way can­di­dates find their ide­al jobs and help­ing employ­ers find their best-fit can­di­dates. Select­ed by mil­lions as their career plat­form of choice, The Muse deliv­ers qual­i­ty advice, skills-build­ing resources, and coach­ing ser­vices to pas­sive and active can­di­dates. Employ­ers rely on The Muse to hire top tal­ent by show­cas­ing their brands and cor­po­rate cul­ture, cre­at­ing authen­tic and last­ing con­nec­tions with can­di­dates before they even apply.