7 World-Changing Companies to Watch

By Matthew Heimer, Erika Fry, Jonathan Chew
August 18, 2016

Star­tups and small busi­ness­es with great prob­lem-solv­ing ideas.

A com­pa­ny doesn’t have to be espe­cial­ly big to have a big impact on the plan­et. Our On the Cusp list hon­ors small­er com­pa­nies, cre­ative sub­sidiaries of big­ger ones, and new­er ­initiatives—spotting some wor­thy cor­po­rate efforts that may some­day change the way you do busi­ness. See the com­pa­nies that did make our Change the World list here.

Rev­o­lu­tion Foods (U.S.)

It’s a culi­nary mir­a­cle: Rev­o­lu­tion Foods makes school lunch­es that are junk-free, fresh­ly pre­pared, and local­ly made, while stay­ing with­in pub­lic school ­dis­tricts’ ultra-tight bud­gets. The Oak­land-based com­pa­ny is now a $125 mil­lion busi­ness oper­at­ing in 1,600 schools, and its pack­aged meals sell in gro­cery stores in 44 states and via Ama­zon.

To read the full list, vis­it For­tune.