How Kathryn Minshew, CEO and Founder of the Muse, Gets It All Done

The Cut
By Dayna Evans
September 27, 2016

Kathryn Min­shew is the founder and CEO of the Muse, a web­site ded­i­cat­ed to career advice and devel­op­ment. She lives in New York with her hus­band, who is also an entre­pre­neur. She receives between 400 and 500 emails a day and typ­i­cal­ly works until between 12 and 2 a.m. She wants to bring about the end to “zom­bie meet­ings.” Here’s how she gets it all done.

On the val­ue of puréed veg­etable squeeze packets:
My wake-up time usu­al­ly depends on how late I was answer­ing emails the night before, but typ­i­cal­ly let’s say around 8 a.m. I will grab either some gra­nola, a Kind Bar, or one of those puréed fruit, veg­gie, and chia packs that they sell for adults that’s basi­cal­ly just glo­ri­fied children’s food. They’re amaz­ing. You feel a lit­tle bit idi­ot­ic because they come in these lit­tle squeeze‑y pouch­es. They’re dif­fer­ent fruit and veg­gie com­bi­na­tions, and I always feel like I’m get­ting a lit­tle bit of veg­eta­bles in the morn­ings. Usu­al­ly, I’m either eat­ing on my way to the office or sit­ting on my couch with my lap­top on my lap, start­ing to dive into a cou­ple of the big to-dos of the day.

On a typ­i­cal day:
I usu­al­ly try to sched­ule the first open hour or two for any big projects or emails. Then, I’m usu­al­ly in a cou­ple hours of meet­ings back-to-back. Every­thing from sit­ting down with a cou­ple mem­bers of our team, inter­view­ing can­di­dates for our open roles, talk­ing with poten­tial future investors or part­ners, chat­ting with reporters. I often will try to have a break if I can around 12:30 or 1. Although recent­ly, things have been so busy that some­times I’ll eat lunch in one of my inter­nal meet­ings instead. I’ll grab a soup, sal­ad, or sand­wich from Chop’t or Hale and Hearty or some­thing. Usu­al­ly, the after­noon is a mix of get­ting a lit­tle bit of time to pop into my inbox and make sure every­thing is under con­trol, as well as a lot of exter­nal meet­ings. We’ll get out of meet­ings some­where between 6 and 7:30. Then I will either grab din­ner with a col­league, a friend, or investor who’s in from out of town. Some­times I’m going to a friend’s book-launch par­ty one night and then anoth­er night it’s drinks and small bites with the pan­elists for a talk that I’m giv­ing. Usu­al­ly I’ll have one night when I’m doing some­thing that’s a bit more fun. Oth­er free nights, it’ll be some­thing that’s fun and enjoy­able, but is in some way relat­ed to my busi­ness or my com­pa­ny. Then I’ll get home any­where from eight to ten, and then I’ll usu­al­ly be on my com­put­er pret­ty much con­sis­tent­ly until some­time between mid­night and 2 a.m.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it The Cut.