Innovators and Influencers: Nancy Pfund, investing in companies that do good

Solar Power World
By Adam Browning
September 7, 2016

Many ven­ture cap­i­tal firms invest in clean ener­gy, and some talk about the ben­e­fits of invest­ing with social impacts in mind. But there’s only one Nan­cy Pfund. Nan­cy is founder and man­ag­ing part­ner of DBL Part­ners. DBL is an acronym for dou­ble bot­tom line, refer­ring to the notion of seek­ing both finan­cial and social returns simultaneously.

What makes Nan­cy unique? For one, she’s excel­lent at what she does. She’s bat­ting way above aver­age when it comes to invest­ing in suc­cess­ful clean­tech com­pa­nies. Her port­fo­lio includes Tes­la; rooftop leader SolarCi­ty; both Pow­erLight and NEX­Track­er; Advanced Micro­grid Solu­tions in the stor­age space; and the epony­mous Off Grid Elec­tric, deliv­er­ing pow­er, via solar, to 600 mil­lion peo­ple who’ve nev­er had access to it in devel­op­ing nations around the world.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Solar Pow­er World.