Impact Measurement: Finding Your Way Through The Maze

By Devin Thorpe
March 22, 2017

Impact Mea­sure­ment: Find­ing Your Way Through The Maze

This is the sec­ond in a series of arti­cles about impact mea­sure­ment for social entrepreneurs.

Social entre­pre­neurs who are seri­ous about hav­ing impact or about attract­ing cap­i­tal from sophis­ti­cat­ed impact investors face an intim­i­dat­ing array of mea­sure­ment tools, stan­dards and abbre­vi­a­tions. To help social entre­pre­neurs find their way through this maze I con­nect­ed with prac­ti­tion­ers and experts.

Lisa Hager­man, direc­tor of pro­grams at impact invest­ment fund DBL Part­ners, says the firm also uses IRIS met­rics, but notes that what is appro­pri­ate for each social enter­prise will vary depend­ing on the asset class and sector.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Forbes.