The RealReal & Stella McCartney Announce Retail Partnership on National Consignment Day

TheRealReal's first brand partnership highlights sustainability of consignment model

By Dhani Mau
October 2, 2017

The race to become the best, biggest, most legit­i­mate fash­ion resale site on the inter­net rages on with anoth­er major announce­ment by The Real­Re­al. Well, two, actu­al­ly. First, the lux­u­ry con­sign­ment site has signed on Stel­la McCart­ney as its first offi­cial brand part­ner. And sec­ond, the news comes on the first-ever Nation­al Con­sign­ment Day — a hol­i­day that The Real­Re­al’s PR team made a real­i­ty. (It was approved by the Nation­al Day Cal­en­dar, so it’s real.)

Both bits of news cen­ter around the sus­tain­abil­i­ty-relat­ed ben­e­fits of con­sign­ing in a way that The Real­Re­al has­n’t real­ly empha­sized in its mar­ket­ing to this degree before now. Per a press release, more than 80 bil­lion pieces of cloth­ing are pro­duced world­wide each year, 75 per­cent of which will end up in land­fills. Con­sign­ing obvi­ous­ly length­ens the life­cy­cle of cloth­ing, reduc­ing the amount that gets dis­card­ed. And for McCart­ney, sus­tain­abil­i­ty and social respon­si­bil­i­ty have always been an inte­gral part of her busi­ness; so it makes sense that, of all lux­u­ry brands, she would be the first to come out as an offi­cial pro­po­nent of “recom­merce” with The RealReal.

The part­ner­ship will involve pro­gram­ming, the details of which are still being ironed out, in Stel­la McCart­ney’s U.S. stores, as well as The Real­Re­al’s NYC con­cept store and web­site. “We’re real­ly work­ing on a com­bi­na­tion of edu­ca­tion and refer­ral and incen­tives for some­one to con­sign,” explains The Real­Re­al CEO Julie Wain­wright over a recent phone call. The real sig­nif­i­cance of this announce­ment is that of a lux­u­ry brand com­ing out in sup­port of its cus­tomers reselling its goods. “It’s a bold state­ment [for a brand] to say, ‘Con­sign­ing is a real­ly good thing, and you guys should con­sign because when you buy our prod­ucts and you’re ready to move on, you should con­sign those goods,’ ” adds Wainwright.

Read the rest of the sto­ry at: Fash​ion​ista​.com