Luxury Brands Can’t Ignore Fashion Reseller The RealReal Anymore

By Pamela N. Danziger
August 22, 2018

Long dis­missed as an oppor­tunis­tic upstart of lit­tle con­se­quence by the lux­u­ry estab­lish­ment, The Real­Re­al is prov­ing it is on to some­thing big. Gen­tly used lux­u­ry fash­ion is a real trend and The Real­Re­al has dis­cov­ered the secret sauce: become a trust­ed and author­i­ta­tive part­ner for lux­u­ry-fash­ion con­sign­ers and buy­ers, many of who are the same person.

The resale mar­ket for fash­ion is par­tic­u­lar­ly hot. Thredup, an online reseller of mass-fash­ion brands as dis­tin­guished from The Real­Re­al in lux­u­ry, pre­dicts the total resale retail mar­ket to reach $41 bil­lion in 2022. Fur­ther the lat­est Cen­sus report on the retail mar­ket iden­ti­fies used-mer­chan­dise stores among the fastest-grow­ing sec­tors this year, up 7.6% through the first half of 2018 fol­low­ing an 11.6% gain last year. And that num­ber doesn’t even include online sell­ers like Thredup and The RealReal.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Forbes.