How The Maiyet Collective Concept Store Will Reshape The Lexicon Of Ethical Luxe

By Katie Baron
September 27, 2018

Lux­u­ry retail and eco-ethics aren’t an obvi­ous match made in heav­en. Take this summer’s rev­e­la­tions regard­ing British fash­ion giant Burberry’s dec­i­ma­tion of £28.6m ($37.6m) of prod­uct to ‘pro­tect the brand’. It’s a prac­tice, although notably not exclu­sive to Burber­ry, that was only redressed fol­low­ing damn­ing media cov­er­age and which simul­ta­ne­ous­ly flies in the face of sta­tis­tics show­ing that almost 20% of mil­len­ni­al lux­u­ry spenders always take ethics into account. The ‘always’ con­firms a size­able oppor­tu­ni­ty for those tena­cious, vision­ary and prin­ci­pled enough to take up the challenge.

Eth­i­cal-luxe NY fash­ion label Maiyet is about to do just that with the launch of a land­mark part time con­cept store: The Maiyet Col­lec­tive, which will be housed with­in The Con­duit – a new social ethics focused member’s club in London’s pres­ti­gious May­fair dis­trict. A bea­con for design, com­merce and wider dis­course includ­ing pol­i­tics and entre­pre­neur­ship with a pos­i­tive social pur­pose, it will stretch the mus­cles of Maiyet’s eth­i­cal rai­son d’être to the lim­it, refram­ing phys­i­cal retail­ing in the process ; like a niche focus depart­ment store, from the brands (ready-to-wear fash­ion, home­wares, fine jew­el­ry, beau­ty and acces­sories) to the décor to the dis­cus­sion to the culi­nary man­i­festo, every aspect will hold a sus­tain­able bent. In fact, it’s so com­mit­ted to the cause that to keep the spot­light full beam on the wider mis­sion the one thing it won’t be doing is sell­ing its own label product.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Forbes.