Inc.‘s Female Founders 100 — Kathryn Minshew, The Muse

By Inc. Staff
October 16, 2018

The Chal­lengers: The Game Chang­ers Behind Food­stirs, Away, and the Play­ers’ Tribune

These entre­pre­neurs on Inc.‘s Female Founders 100 are shak­ing up estab­lished industries–and spawn­ing entire­ly new ones.

Kathryn Min­shew

The Muse

The founder of this New York City-based career plat­form toiled through such a hell­ish­ly busy win­ter that her usu­al course of 12-hour work­days now feels like a sum­mer vaca­tion. “I now refer to Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary as ‘the hole,’ ” Min­shew says. Her 120-per­son startup–a sort of younger, hip­per sis­ter to LinkedIn–was rolling out a ser­vice that let clients embed the sleek fea­tures from the Muse’s web­site on their own recruit­ing web­sites, as well as on social media plat­forms. Mean­while, she “had two exec­u­tive search­es under way and my co-founder was on mater­ni­ty leave.” Min­shew, a for­mer man­age­ment con­sul­tant who also spent time intro­duc­ing vac­cines in Rwan­da and Malawi for the Clin­ton Health Access Ini­tia­tive, envi­sions a not too dis­tant future in which the Muse gives HR depart­ments the abil­i­ty to run their recruit­ing efforts with the same lev­els of tar­get­ing, tech­ni­cal sophis­ti­ca­tion, and rich con­tent as are avail­able with tra­di­tion­al dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing. In the process, she says, “I’ll try to get sev­en hours of sleep most nights, too.” –Burt Helm

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