BrainScope Announces Publication Describing Proprietary Concussion Biomarker to Assess Potential Severity and Predict Prolonged Recovery

January 15, 2019

Future Capa­bil­i­ty Could Aid in Objec­tive Return-to-Activ­i­ty Decisions

Brain­Scope®, a med­ical neu­ro-tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny focused on con­cus­sion and mild trau­mat­ic brain injury (mTBI) assess­ment, announced today that researchers have pub­lished pre­lim­i­nary results relat­ed to a mul­ti-modal con­cus­sion assess­ment capa­bil­i­ty for poten­tial sever­i­ty and like­li­hood of pro­longed recov­ery from con­cus­sions. Pub­lished in the peer-reviewed jour­nal Com­put­ers in Biol­o­gy and Med­i­cine, the paper enti­tled, “A mul­ti­modal bio­mark­er for con­cus­sion iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, prog­no­sis and man­age­ment” describes a study which enrolled 568 con­cussed and matched con­trol patients between the ages of 13–25 from 29 col­leges and 19 high schools. Sub­jects were test­ed at the time of injury and at mul­ti­ple time points dur­ing recovery. 

To read the com­plete arti­cle, vis­it Ven­ture­Beat.