Investors Are Changing Business. Americans Can Do the Same for Public Lands

Morning Consult
June 6, 2019

While mem­bers of Con­gress debate if and how the nation should address the threats posed to our envi­ron­ment by cli­mate change, share­hold­ers in some of our nation’s most influ­en­tial and impact­ful com­pa­nies are not wait­ing for Wash­ing­ton to come up with a solu­tion to cli­mate change — they are forc­ing action.

Recent­ly, 18 large insti­tu­tion­al investors in Gen­er­al Motors (who togeth­er man­age about $1.96 tril­lion) com­mu­ni­cat­ed in a let­ter to the com­pa­ny that they want the com­pa­ny to stop lob­by­ing against fed­er­al fuel econ­o­my stan­dards, an effort they accu­rate­ly argue will wors­en cli­mate change if successful.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Morn­ing Consult