A new business in small satellites orbiting the Earth

Looking at the Earth from above

The Economist
August 23, 2019

In May 1999 a group of researchers from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin launched an unusu­al satel­lite. At a time when most of the machin­ery in orbit weighed thou­sands of kilo­grams, TUBSAT at was a petite 45kg. A box that mea­sured 32cm on each side, it car­ried three video cam­eras, the idea being to test whether such a titchy space­craft could cap­ture use­ful imagery of Earth. The researchers cit­ed low mass, and the resul­tant low costs, as the ben­e­fits of such com­par­a­tive­ly tiny satel­lites. They promised to open up “new mar­ket areas” for Earth observation.

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