Apeel Sciences brings industry leaders into its supplier network

The Produce News
August 19, 2019

Apeel Sci­ences, one of Fast Company’s 50 Most Inno­v­a­tive Com­pa­nies and a CNBC 2019 Dis­rup­tor 50, announced its sup­pli­er part­ner­ships, enabling a con­sis­tent year-round sup­ply of Apeel avo­ca­dos, limes, aspara­gus and apples for U.S. retail­ers and consumers.

This grow­ing net­work of inno­v­a­tive grow­er-pack­er-ship­pers are com­mit­ted to using Apeel’s plant-derived tech­nol­o­gy to deliv­er longer-last­ing fresh­ness and less waste on retail shelves and in homes across the country.

Apeel, based in San­ta Bar­bara, CA, pro­vides its strate­gic sup­pli­ers with access to the company’s deep exper­tise in sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy, sophis­ti­cat­ed data about shelf-life exten­sion, and a myr­i­ad of future sup­ply chain solu­tions and in-store brand activations.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it The Pro­duce News