New Genetics. Better Prices. Direct to Farm. F2F Genetics Network™ Seed.

FBN produced this video with farmer testimonials about our 2020 F2F seed launch

Farmers Business Network
September 4, 2019

There are a lot of options when it comes to buy­ing seed for your farm. How do you know if you’re get­ting the best val­ue and the high­est return for your seed invest­ment? What if you could pro­duce the same yield and pay less for seed?


The F2F Genet­ics Net­work­TM from FBN is cre­at­ing a new way for farm­ers to buy seed that does both! F2F Genet­ics is get­ting farm­ers clos­er to seed breed­ers who are devel­op­ing top new genet­ics that can bring the best val­ue and return on invest­ment to your farm. Farm eco­nom­ics are tight, and you need ways to cut your seed costs with­out com­pro­mis­ing on quality.

View the full arti­cle from Farm­ers Busi­ness Net­work on YouTube