Time – Best Inventions 2019 – Apeel – Keeping Food Fresh

Keeping Food Fresh

November 22, 2019

Few things are more frus­trat­ing than when an unripe avo­ca­do turns to mush before you can blink an eye. Some 40% of pro­duce cur­rent­ly goes to waste, often because it goes bad before we can eat it. To cut that waste, Apeel Sci­ences devel­oped an edi­ble, plant-­derived coat­ing for fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles that helps them last longer by slow­ing the ripen­ing process. The com­pa­ny claims the arti­fi­cial peel can dou­ble or even triple the shelf life of a fruit or veg­etable. Apeel intro­duced its treat­ed avo­ca­dos to more than 1,000 Kroger loca­tions across the U.S. in Sep­tem­ber and hopes to expand to oth­er stores and oth­er pro­duce, like limes and aspara­gus. Soon, con­sumers may be able to buy things like bananas with­out wor­ry­ing they’ll go brown in the shop­ping bag. —Mahi­ta Gajanan

Read the full post at Time​.com