Apeel CEO James Rogers Wants to Extend the Shelf Life of Your Avocados and Oranges

His firm applies an edible, plant-based coating to fruits and vegetables that lets them last longer without refrigeration

The Wall Street Journal
By Emily Bobrow
January 12, 2021

Grow­ing up in Bat­tle Ground, Wash., James Rogers want­ed to be an inven­tor. He spent week­ends at the local hard­ware store sort­ing through buck­ets of odds and ends, moved by the idea that he could use ordi­nary mate­ri­als to make some­thing new. “I didn’t know then that that was sci­ence,” he says over Zoom from his home in San­ta Bar­bara, Calif.

Some 25 years since those after­noons with his “inven­tion jour­nal,” Mr. Rogers, 35, is now pro­mot­ing a sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­ery that could improve the glob­al food-sup­ply chain. His com­pa­ny, Apeel, applies an edi­ble, plant-based coat­ing to fruits and veg­eta­bles that extends their shelf life with­out refrigeration.

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