Sustainable Products & Services

The RealReal

The Real­Re­al is a high-growth mar­ket­place for lux­u­ry goods, replac­ing the tra­di­tion­al con­sign­ment sales with an ecom­merce plat­form of authen­ti­cat­ed, pre-owned high-end design­er goods. By re-pur­pos­ing unused items, The Real­Re­al pro­motes sus­tain­abil­i­ty by extend­ing the lifes­pan of upscale goods.

In addi­tion to DBL Part­ners, oth­er investors include: Canaan Part­ners,, Expan­sion Ven­ture Cap­i­tal, Grey­croft Part­ners, Inter­West Part­ners, Nov­el TMT Ven­tures, and Panarea Capital.

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