Food As Medicine: Perspectives On Tackling Childhood Obesity.

Good food is vital to over­all well being. As such, inno­vat­ing food for sole pur­pose of dri­ving pos­i­tive change in our com­mu­ni­ties is equal­ly impor­tant. Child­hood obe­si­ty has been described […]

Electrify Coffee? Nancy Pfund and the Rive Brothers See Returns in Roasting

If they can decaf­feinate cof­fee, why not decar­bonize it, too? Berke­­ley-based Bell­wether Cof­fee pro­posed to do just that by build­ing a ful­ly elec­tric micro-roast­er. The prod­uct replaces con­ven­tion­al gas-burn­ing machines to […]

What is Andela, the Africa tech talent accelerator?

As some­one who cov­ers Africa’s tech scene, I’m fre­quent­ly asked about Andela. That’s not sur­pris­ing, giv­en the ven­ture gets more glob­al press (arguably) than any start­up in Africa. I’ve found many Sil­i­con Valley […]

Natural Coating That Keeps Produce Fresh Longer Is Going Global

While pre­vent­ing fruit and veg­eta­bles from over-ripen­ing too fast, Apeel Sci­ences itself is matur­ing rapid­ly. Fol­low­ing their suc­cess­ful roll-out of avo­ca­dos with longer shelf-life in U.S. stores, the com­pa­ny has well and […]

Mission Aligned: Framework for Investing

A new impact report, cour­tesy of KKS Advi­sors on behalf of the W.K. Kel­logg Foun­da­tion, high­lights the impact of Rev­o­lu­tion Foods Mis­sion. Rev­o­lu­tion Foods start­ed in 2006 with a mission […]