Yerdle Fund: Carrington College

When you shop on Yer­dle you sup­port the Yer­dle Fund. Yer­dle dol­lars sup­port com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions like Car­ring­ton Col­lege’s pro­gram that pro­vides cloth­ing to help peo­ple pre­pare for job inter­views. The […]

Impact Investing + Cleantech. This Is The Year.

By Ener­gy Excel­er­a­tor: What do Bill Gates, Steve Case, Nan­cy Pfund, Pierre Omid­yar, and Will Smith all have in com­mon? All Hol­ly­wood action stars? Umm­mm…. yes, and, they are all cleantech […]

Tesla batteries to power office buildings in California

By Katie Fehren­bach­er: Tesla’s bat­ter­ies aren’t just for cars any­more. They’ll be used in bat­tery farms at build­ings around Cal­i­for­nia. A big real estate devel­op­er and a well-con­nec­t­ed tech startup […]

Kathryn Minshew, CEO The Muse

In Her Own Words: Kathryn Min­shew Glance at Kathryn Minshew’s CV and you might assume she’s old­er than not-quite-30: her cre­den­tials rival those of any cor­po­rate big­wig, up to and […]