Planet Labs Buys BlackBridge Satellite Unit to Expand Fleet

by Jeff KearnsGer­rit De Vynck Satel­lite mak­er Plan­et Labs Inc. agreed to buy Black­Bridge Corp.’s geospa­tial busi­ness­es to expand its orbit­ing fleet and pho­to­graph­ic archive, at a time of high demand […]

Revolutionaries target US school canteens

By Jonathan Moules Start-up sto­ries do not come more moth­er­hood and apple pie than that of fel­low Berke­ley Haas grad­u­ates Kristin Rich­mond and Kirsten Tobey. The founders of Rev­o­lu­tion Foods, a […]

The Impact Generation

UC Davis Grad­u­ate School of Man­age­ment Com­mence­ment Speech June 2015 By Nan­cy Pfund:  Good Morn­ing, and con­grat­u­la­tions! Con­grat­u­la­tions to the mem­bers of the Class of 2015 for your very sig­nif­i­cant achievement […]